Is your business AI Ready? We can help.
VisionFinder Workshops
The Zerion.AI Team collaborates with your leadership violently align behind a unified “Challenge.” The “Challenge” sets the stage for having your team use a common language and begin to “think like a data scientist.” VisionFinder Workshops are month long programs with the culmination being an interactive one day workshop with your leadership team and the goal to unlock new opportunities within your business.
Data Science Consulting
You are NOT looking for Data Science Services. You are looking for outcomes, competitive advantages, new ideas, and transformational insights that challenge, advance and expand how your business works in an ever-changing world. Our consulting engagements establish deep partnerships with our clients where we are an extension of your team and take action. Together, we find answers.
Predictive Analytics
Zerion.AI creates powerful data models intended to inform more effective and successful business strategies and decisions. Our experts help to quantify business challenges and opportunities in the context of your data by using predictive analytic models. We discover novel insights hidden within your data and create solutions that inform your decision making.
Data Science Recruiting
Zerion.AI created a network of experts dedicated to helping you unlock the full potential of your data. Your strategy is in place, now you need talented resources to implement the plan. We can help.
Zerion.AI Discovery
Zerion.AI Discovery is a research team that loves learning what makes leaders and companies tick and then sets out to connect the dots on behalf of member companies. We become an extension of your leadership teams providing forward reconnaissance, research insights and when lighting strikes, we connect people and companies who can mutually improve and benefit from knowing each other. We customize research projects designed to take your organization to the next level.
Schedule an Idea Session
You know AI is important and the future, but not sure where to start?